Zoom fade/smoothing
Fade-in your zoom and slow it down (or speed it up).
Here's the code:
<title>Magic Zoom: Zoom fade/smoothing</title>
<!-- link to magiczoom.css file -->
<link href="magiczoom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<!-- link to magiczoom.js file -->
<script src="magiczoom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<p>Fade-in your zoom and slow it down (or speed it up).</p>
<!-- define Magic Zoom with fade option enabled and change easing value for slow motion -->
<a href="images/r1-red-3.jpg" class="MagicZoom" rel="zoom-fade:true; smoothing-speed:17" title="Fade in/out effect with slow motion"><img src="images/r1-red-2.jpg"/></a>