Magic Zoom™

Use the settings wizard to try out the many customizations.

Parameters for Magic Zoom™
Parameter name Default value Description
zoom-width 300 Width of zoom window, px
zoom-height 300 Height of zoom window, px
zoom-position right Position of zoom window (left|right|top|bottom|inner|custom)
zoom-distance 15 Distance between small image and zoom window, px
smoothing true Enable smooth zoom movement
smoothing-speed 40 Speed of smoothing (1-99)
opacity 50 Opacity of hovered area (0-100)
opacity-reverse false Add opacity to background instead of hovered area
click-to-initialize false Click to initialize Magic Zoom and download large image
click-to-activate false Click to show the zoom
show-title top Position of the image title in the zoom window (top/bottom/false) new in 3.1
thumb-change click Multiple images change on click/mouseover
selectors-mouseover-delay 200 Multiple images delay in ms before switching thumbnails
selectors-effect dissolve Dissolve or cross fade thumbnail when switching thumbnails (dissolve/fade/false) new in 3.1
selectors-effect-speed 400 Selectors effect speed, ms new in 3.1
preload-selectors-small true Multiple images, preload small images
preload-selectors-big false Multiple images, preload large images
zoom-fade false Zoom window fade effect (true|false)
zoom-fade-in-speed 400 Zoom window fade-in speed, ms
zoom-fade-out-speed 200 Zoom window fade-out speed, ms
fps 25 Frames per second for zoom effect
show-loading true Loading message (true|false)
loading-msg Loading zoom... Loading message text
loading-opacity 75 Loading message opacity (0-100)
loading-position-x -1 Loading message X-axis position, -1 is center
loading-position-y -1 Loading message Y-axis position, -1 is center
drag-mode false Click and drag to move the zoom
move-on-click true Click alone will also move zoom (drag mode only)
x -1 Initial zoom X-axis position for drag mode, -1 is center
y -1 Initial zoom Y-axis position for drag mode, -1 is center
always-show-zoom false Make zoom window always visible. (Automatically true in drag-mode.)
preserve-position false Position of zoom can be remembered for multiple images and drag mode
fit-zoom-window true Resize zoom window if big image is smaller than zoom window
entire-image false Show entire large image on hover new in 3.1